










● Bucky Barnes is born to George and Winnifred Barnes in New York City, New York.

● 巴奇巴恩斯出生於紐約洲紐約市,為喬治與溫妮佛雷德之子。

(SSR文件在南加州大學的一次活動中洩露,並用於復仇者聯盟的一個刪除場景中,顯示巴恩斯的出生日期是 1922 年 3 月 10 日。

然而,在《美國隊長:冬日戰士》中,史密森學會關於巴恩斯的部分寫著“出生於 1916 年……”,並以“1917-1944”結束。這些日期實際上出現在電影中的事實使它們更加重要。

1917 年是最適合選擇的日期,因為它是 3 年的中位數,而且因為“1917-1944”日期與他的死亡日期已經相差一年,這是佐拉後來在影片中所說的和《美國隊長:內戰》中的山姆·威爾遜,要出現在《1945 年》中,他們不太可能是兩個人。

可以假設錯誤來自作者知道巴恩斯在 27 歲時去世,因此將 27 加到他的出生年份,即 1917 年,而沒有意識到他只是在 28 歲生日時“死”了一小會。)




● Howard Stark is born in Richford, New York.

● 霍華德‧史塔克出生於紐約里奇福德。







● Steve Rogers is born to Joseph and Sarah Rogers in Brooklyn, New York.

● 史蒂夫‧羅傑斯出生於紐約布魯克林,為約瑟夫與莎拉之子。



● World War I ends.

● 一次大戰終結。







● Peggy Carter is born to Harrison and Amanda Carter in Hampstead, England.

● 佩姬卡特出生於英格蘭漢普斯特德,為哈里遜與亞曼達之女。







● The Walt Disney Company is founded.

● 華特迪士尼公司成立。







● Sarah speaks with her son, Steve
Sarah Rogers reminds Steve Rogers that although his body may look frail, it holds a heart ten times its size. Steve promises her that he will always use his head to avoid sharing the same fate as his father, Joseph Rogers.

● 莎拉·羅傑斯提醒史蒂夫·羅傑斯,雖然他的身體可能看起來很虛弱,但它的心臟卻是其大小的十倍。史蒂夫向她保證,他將永遠用自己的頭腦來避免與他的父親約瑟夫羅傑斯分享同樣的命運。







● Abraham Erskine, working in a German University, begins his research into creating a Super Soldier Serum.

● 亞伯拉罕‧艾斯金在德國大學工作,並開始研究創造超級士兵血清。


● In Hell’s Kitchen, New York City, a young Steve Rogers meets Bucky Barnes, who ends up becoming his best friend.

● 在紐約市地獄廚房,12歲的史蒂夫‧羅傑斯邂逅13歲的巴奇‧巴恩斯,之後兩人成為最要好的朋友。







● In Los Angeles, California, Howard Stark demonstrates the properties of Vibranium, a metal found by Stark Industries in Africa.

● 在加州洛杉磯,霍華德·史塔克展示了振金的特性,振金是史塔克工業公司在非洲發現的一種金屬。

● Attack on Howard Stark: Later that night, Stark is attacked by HYDRA assassins. Then, Stark accepts Colonel Chester Phillips’ proposal to join the Strategic Scientific Reserve.

● 攻擊霍華德史塔克:當晚晚些時候,史塔克被九頭蛇刺客襲擊。然後,斯塔克接受了切斯特·菲利普斯上校加入戰略科學儲備的提議。


● Peggy Carter enlists herself in the British counter-intelligence and security agency MI5. She cancels her marriage.

● 佩吉卡特加入了英國反情報和安全機構軍情五處,並解除了與弗雷得‧威爾斯(Fred Wells)的婚約。



● At Castle Kaufmann in the Bavarian Alps, Abraham Erskine injects Johann Schmidt with his Super Soldier Serum, but the serum horrifically transforms Schmidt, turning him into the Red Skull.

● 在巴伐利亞阿爾卑斯山的考夫曼城堡,亞伯拉罕·艾斯金給約翰·施密特注射了他的超級士兵血清,但這種血清可怕地改變了施密特,把他變成了紅骷髏。


● Abraham Erskine is rescued by Peggy Carter, who had infiltrated the compound disguised as a maid. Carter takes Erskine to the Strategic Scientific Reserve (SSR) so he can produce America’s Super Soldier with the aid of Howard Stark.

● 亞伯拉罕·艾斯金被偽裝成女僕潛入大院的佩姬·卡特救出。卡特將厄斯金帶到戰略科學儲備 (SSR),這樣他就可以在霍華德·斯塔克的幫助下培養出美國的超級士兵。







● Steve Rogers attends a baseball game at Ebbets Field in New York City.

● 史蒂夫·羅傑斯在紐約市埃貝茨球場觀賞棒球比賽。



● In Times Square, New York City, during an art class, Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes learn of America joining the war, and over the next two weeks Bucky trains Rogers at Goldie’s Gym.

● 在紐約市時代廣場的藝術課上,史蒂夫·羅傑斯和巴奇·巴恩斯得知美國參戰,接下來的兩周裡,巴奇在戈爾迪體育館訓練羅傑斯。


● Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes visit US Recruiting and Induction Center in New York City, but Rogers is classified as 4F and rejected from service. He goes on to be rejected a further four times in four different cities.

● 史蒂夫·羅傑斯和巴奇·巴恩斯訪問了位於紐約市的美國招募和入職培訓中心,但羅傑斯被歸類為 4F 並被拒絕服役。他在四個不同的城市又被拒絕了四次。


● The Strategic Scientific Reserve team in New York City, finish the Project Rebirth Chamber. Howard Stark comments that it should be called the Brooklyn Project in response to J. Robert Oppenheimer’s work at Los Alamos.

● 紐約市的戰略科學儲備團隊完成了項目重生室。霍華德·史塔克評論說它應該被稱為布魯克林項目,以回應 J. 羅伯特·奧本海默在洛斯阿拉莫斯的工作。


● At Camp Lehigh, New Jersey, Abraham Erskine rejects the candidates selected by Chester Phillips for Project Rebirth.

● 在紐澤西州的裏海營地,亞伯拉罕·艾斯金拒絕了切斯特·菲利普斯為重生計劃挑選的候選人。







● 約翰施密特在挪威的通斯堡找到宇宙魔方。







● Steve Rogers goes to a recruitment office in New York City, but is denied, due to his numerous health issues.

● 史蒂夫·羅傑斯前往紐約市的招聘辦公室,但由於他的許多健康問題而被拒絕。

● Rogers attends a movie, where a man was yelling during the movie. Steve tells the man to shut up, resulting in a fight. Bucky Barnes arrives and breaks up the fight. He tells Rogers that he has been accepted into the 107th Infantry Regiment.

● 羅傑斯去看電影,一個男人在電影中大喊大叫。史蒂夫讓那個男人閉嘴,結果打了起來。巴奇·巴恩斯到來並打贏了戰鬥。他告訴羅傑斯,他已被第 107 步兵團錄取。

● Rogers and Barnes attend the World Exposition of Tomorrow, witnessing Howard Stark’s presentation about a flying car. During the presentation, Rogers goes to another recruitment office, and is witnessed by Abraham Erskine. Barnes returns to the Expo, leaving Rogers at the recruitment office.

● 羅傑斯和巴恩斯出席明日世界博覽會,見證霍華德史塔克關於飛行汽車的演講。在演示過程中,羅傑斯前往另一個招聘辦公室,亞伯拉罕·艾斯金見證了這一點。巴恩斯返回世博會,將羅傑斯留在招聘辦公室。

● Erskine aproches Rogers, asking him if he wishes to kill Nazis, Rogers replies that he doesn’t wish to kill anyone, and that he doesn’t like bullies. This impresses Erskine, who offers Rogers a chance at military service through Project Rebirth.

● 艾斯金接近羅傑斯,問他是否想殺死納粹,羅傑斯回答說他不想殺任何人,而且他不喜歡惡霸。這讓艾斯金印象深刻,他通過重生計劃為羅傑斯提供了服兵役的機會。

● Johann Schmidt and Arnim Zola experiment with the Tesseract inside the HYDRA Headquarters. Zola remarks that thier discoveries will change the war.

● 約翰施密特和阿尼姆佐拉在九頭蛇總部內對宇宙魔方進行實驗。佐拉評論說,他們的發現將改變戰爭。


● At Camp Lehigh, New Jersey, Rogers and several other volunteers begin their training under the supervision of Erskine, Peggy Carter, and Colonel Chester Phillips.

● 在紐澤西州的裏海營地,羅傑斯和其他幾名志願者在艾斯金、佩姬·卡特和切斯特·菲利普斯上校的監督下開始了他們的訓練。


● During one training exercise, Michael Duffy tells the recruits that if any of them can retrieve a flag from the top of the flagpole, they get a ride back to base. Instead of trying to climb the pole, Rogers unhooks the pole, causing the flag to be in his reach, earning himself a ride back to base.

● 在一次訓練中,麥可·達菲告訴新兵,如果他們中的任何一個人能從旗桿頂部取回一面旗幟,他們就可以搭車返回基地。羅傑斯沒有試圖爬上桿子,而是解開了桿子,使旗子觸手可及,為自己贏得了返回基地的機會。


● While Rogers does push-ups with the other recruits, Chester Phillips throws a dummy grenade at them, Rogers throws himself at the granade, ready to sacrifice his life to save is fellow soldier.

● 當羅傑斯和其他新兵一起做俯臥撑時,切斯特菲利普斯向他們投擲一枚假手榴彈,羅傑斯撲向手榴彈,準備犧牲自己的生命來拯救戰友。

● That night, Erskine explains the effects of the Super Soldier Serum to Rogers, telling him that he was chosen due to his good heart and his compassion. Rogers promises to Erskine that he will never change who he is, and that he will stay a good man.

● 當晚,艾斯金向羅傑斯解釋了超級士兵血清的作用,告訴他被選中是因為他的善良和同情心。羅傑斯向艾斯金承諾,他永遠不會改變自己的身份,他會繼續做一個好人。


● Steve Rogers is escored by Peggy Carter to the Strategic Scientific Reserve Brooklyn Facility, in preperation for Project Rebirth.

● 史蒂夫·羅傑斯在佩姬·卡特的陪同下前往布魯克林戰略科學保護區設施,為項目重生做準備。

● With Erskine’s serum and Howard Stark’s Vita Radiation technology, Steve Rogers is transformed into the world’s first super soldier. Erskine is assassinated by Heinz Kruger, an operative of HYDRA. The only hope of replicating Project Rebirth’s success is in Rogers’ genetic code. Kruger runs away, managing to get to a subarine, but is caught by Rogers, who, using his newfound powers, manages to chase him down. Kruger commits suicide with a cyanide pill.

● 憑藉艾斯金的血清和霍華德·斯塔克的輻射技術,史蒂夫·羅傑斯變成了世界上第一個超級士兵。艾斯金被九頭蛇的一名特工海因茨克魯格暗殺。複製重生計劃成功的唯一希望在於羅傑斯的DNA。克魯格逃跑,設法找到一艘潛水艇,但被羅傑斯抓住,羅傑斯利用他新發現的力量設法追趕他。克魯格用氰化物藥丸自殺。

● Johann Schmidt meets with Schneider, Roeder, Hutter. The three men tell Schmit about Adolf Hitler’s distain for HYDRA, but before they can finish the evaluation, Schmidt has them killed, betraying Hitler.

● 約翰·施密特會見了施耐德、羅德、哈特。這三個人告訴施密特阿道夫希特勒對九頭蛇的蔑視,但在他們完成評估之前,施密特將他們殺死,背叛了希特勒。

● Due to Rogers being the only Super Soldier, Phillips refuses to let Rogers serve in the war.

● 由於羅傑斯是唯一的超級士兵,菲利普斯拒絕讓羅傑斯參戰。


● Captain America’s USO Show: Unwilling to be kept for research, Steve Rogers joins the USO and goes on a morale-boosting tours across the United States of America, including Milwaukee, Philadelphia, Chicago and New York City.

● 美國隊長的 USO 秀:史蒂夫·羅傑斯不願意被留作研究,他加入了 USO,並在美國各地進行了鼓舞士氣的巡迴演出,包括密爾沃基、費城、芝加哥和紐約市。

● Given the name ‘Captain America’ he becomes a national celebrity, appearing in films, comic books and card collections and establishing himself as a symbol of America’s participation in the war.

● 有了“美國隊長”這個名字,他成為了全國名人,出現在電影、漫畫書和卡片收藏中,並將自己確立為美國參與戰爭的象徵。


● Battle of Azzano: The 107th Infantry Regiment suffers heavy casualties fighting against the German Army and HYDRA. HYDRA openly fires at German troops, breaking ties with Nazi Germany.

● 阿扎諾戰役:第 107 步兵團在與德軍和九頭蛇的戰鬥中傷亡慘重。九頭蛇公開向德國軍隊開火,與納粹德國斷絕關係。

● Uprising at the Austrian HYDRA Weapons Facility
At the HYDRA Weapons Facility in the Austrian Alps, a group of soldiers meet for the first time. As prisoners they are used to make weapons for HYDRA. They team up, at first, to get revenge on one of their captors who had viciously beat up Bucky Barnes.

● 奧地利九頭蛇武器設施的起義



● Captain America and the Star Spangled Singers do a show in Italy, but the crowd is not amused by Rogers. After the show, Rogers talks with Peggy Carter, who tells him that the 107th Infantry Regiment, including Bucky Barnes has been captured by HYDRA. Rogers asks Chester Phillips about a rescue plan, Phillips replies that there is no rescue plan. Rogers, upset by this, departs for Austria with help from Carter and Howard Stark.

● 美國隊長和星條旗歌手在意大利演出,但觀眾並沒有被羅傑斯逗樂。演出結束後,羅傑斯與佩姬卡特交談,後者告訴他包括巴奇巴恩斯在內的第 107 步兵團已被九頭蛇俘虜。羅傑斯向切斯特菲利普斯詢問救援計劃,菲利普斯回答說沒有救援計劃。羅傑斯對此感到不安,在卡特和霍華德·史塔克的幫助下前往奧地利。

● Stark flies a plane of HYDRA territory, Rogers jumps from the plane, telling Stark and Carter to turn back.

● 史塔克駕駛九頭蛇領地的飛機,羅傑斯從飛機上跳下來,告訴史塔克和卡特回頭。

● At the HYDRA Headquarters, the prisoners of war are forced to begin assembeling a large plane, known as the Valkyrie.

● 在九頭蛇總部,戰俘被迫開始組裝一架大型飛機,稱為女武神。

Liberation of Allied Prisoners of War:

Rogers faces off with Red Skull

● Rogers sneaks inside the Austrian HYDRA Weapons Facility, in search of the Allied prisoners. During his search, Rogers memorizes a map of HYDRA facility locations and obtains a sample of the power source HYDRA was usingRogers soon finds Dum Dum Dugan, Gabe Jones, Jim Morita, James Montgomery Falsworth and many other prisoners, freeing them all. The allied prisoners use HYDRA’s own weaponry againts them.



● 羅傑斯潛入奧地利九頭蛇武器設施,尋找盟軍俘虜。在搜索過程中,羅傑斯記住了九頭蛇設施位置的地圖,並獲得了九頭蛇使用的電源樣本。羅傑斯很快找到了俘虜,將他們全部釋放。盟軍囚犯使用九頭蛇自己的武器對付他們。

● After battling through a number of HYDRA agents, Rogers finds Barnes, in Zola’s lab, rescuing him. The pair discuss Rogers’ Super Soldier Serum tranformation, during which, the building begins to egnite.

● 在與數名九頭蛇特工戰鬥後,羅傑斯在佐拉的實驗室中找到了巴恩斯。兩人討論了羅傑斯的超級士兵血清轉化,在此期間,施密特啟動了自爆程式。

● While attempting to evacuate, Barnes and Rogers encounter Schmidt, who remarks that he was always Abraham Erskine’s greatest sucsses, removing his prosthetic mask. Schmidt and Zola evacuate the building.

● 在試圖撤離時,巴恩斯和羅傑斯遇到了施密特,施密特說他一直是亞伯拉罕·艾斯金最成功的實驗後摘下了面具。之後與佐拉分別撤離了基地。

● During the chaos, Rogers, Barnes and hundreds of other Allied prisoners escape the facility.

● 混亂中,羅傑斯、巴恩斯和數百名其他盟軍囚犯逃離了設施。


Rogers is celebrated for his victory

● Steve Rogers is presumed dead, but soon arrives with hundreds of the soldiers he saved from the HYDRA facility. Rogers brings together some of the men he saved in the HYDRA base and creates a team that will eventually be known as the Howling Commandos.


● 史蒂夫·羅傑斯被認為已經死亡,但很快他就帶著他從九頭蛇設施救出的數百名士兵來到了這裡。羅傑斯將他在九頭蛇基地拯救的一些人聚集在一起,並創建了一個最終將被稱為咆哮突擊隊的團隊。


● Howard Stark examines a sample of HYDRA’s power, which will help him develop a framework to synthesize a new element. Rogers meets with Stark, getting outfitted with his new uniform and a Vibranium shield.

● 霍華德史塔克檢查了九頭蛇的力量樣本,這將幫助他開發一個框架來合成一個新元素。羅傑斯與史塔克會面,穿上了他的新制服和一個振金盾牌。


● Attack on HYDRA Facilities: Captain America and his Howling Commandos invade and destroy a HYDRA facility in France.

● 攻擊九頭蛇設施:美國隊長和他的咆哮突擊隊入侵並摧毀了法國的九頭蛇設施。



● Attack on HYDRA Facilities: Captain America and his Howling Commandos invade and destroy a HYDRA facility in Belgium.

● 攻擊九頭蛇設施:美國隊長和他的咆哮突擊隊入侵並摧毀了比利時的九頭蛇設施。


● Attack on HYDRA Facilities: Captain America and his Howling Commandos invade and destroy a HYDRA facility in Czechoslovakia.

● 攻擊九頭蛇設施:美國隊長和他的咆哮突擊隊入侵並摧毀了捷克斯洛伐克的九頭蛇設施。



Captain America chasing down HYDRA

● Chase of the HYDRA Spies: Captain America tries to get a file from HYDRA agents in London, who run away and attempt to hide in an air raid shelter. The Captain encourages the citizens inside the shelter to attack the agents by giving them a speech of heroism and strength in numbers.


● 九頭蛇間諜的追逐:美國隊長試圖從倫敦的九頭蛇特工那裡得到一份文件,他們逃跑並試圖躲在防空洞裡。船長鼓勵避難所內的公民通過對特工進行英雄主義和數量上的力量的演講來攻擊特工。



Captain America battles HYDRA Soldiers in Denmark

● Attack on the Danish HYDRA Research Facility: Captain America invades a facility in the Nazi occupied Danish Straits controlled by HYDRA. He fights a Nazi wearing an arc reactor powered battle suit, and an arc powered tank. Johann Schmidt attempts to destroy him by using a Viking Runestone, but the Captain slows the relic from exploding, allowing the Howling Commandos to escape.


● 襲擊丹麥九頭蛇研究設施:美國隊長入侵納粹佔領的丹麥海峽中由九頭蛇控制的設施。他與穿著電弧反應堆動力戰鬥服和電弧動力坦克的納粹戰鬥。約翰·施密特試圖用維京符文石摧毀他,但船長減緩了遺物爆炸的速度,讓咆哮突擊隊得以逃脫。



● Capture of the Leviathan: Captain America boards and captures the HYDRA submarine Leviathan.

● 捕獲利維坦:美國隊長登上並捕獲九頭蛇潛艇利維坦。

● Attack on the HYDRA U-Base: Using the Leviathan submarine, Captain America and the Howling Commandos infiltrate the HYDRA U-Base, and end up helping the HYDRA staff, who had been merged into a monster due to the Hydra Serum.

● 攻擊九頭蛇 U 基地:使用利維坦潛艇,美國隊長和咆哮突擊隊潛入九頭蛇 U 基地,並最終幫助因九頭蛇血清而被合併為怪物的九頭蛇工作人員。



● Wehrmacht soldiers surrender to Captain America in France on June 11, 1944

● 1944 年 6 月 11 日,國防軍士兵在法國向美國隊長投降






● A battalion of troops have been pinned down by HYDRA troops due to a blizzard just outside Stalingrad. They are eventually rescued by the Howling Commandos led by Steve Rogers. Over one thousand men including a man who would become Peggy Carter’s future husband are saved.

● 由於史達林格勒郊外的暴風雪,九頭蛇部隊已經壓制了一個營的部隊。他們最終被史蒂夫·羅傑斯率領的咆哮突擊隊救出。包括一個將成為佩姬卡特未來丈夫的人在內的一千多人都得救了。



Capture of Arnim Zola:

Rogers and Barnes board the train

● The Howling Commandos board a HYDRA train, on a mission to capture Arnim Zola. Rogers, Barnes and Jones board the train using ziplines. Once inside, the group split up, Rogers and Barnes head into the train and are met with many HYDRA agents using Tesseract powered weapons. During the conflict, Rogers uses his shield to block an incoming blast, creating a hole in the side of the train. Before Rogers can grab him, Barnes falls from the train, and is thought dead.



● 咆哮突擊隊登上九頭蛇列車,執行捕獲阿尼姆佐拉的任務。羅傑斯、巴恩斯和瓊斯使用滑索登上火車。一進去,小組就分開了,羅傑斯和巴恩斯進入火車,遇到了許多使用魔方能量武器的九頭蛇特工。在衝突期間,巴恩斯用羅傑斯的盾牌擋住了來襲的爆炸,在火車的側面製造了一個洞。在羅傑斯抓住他之前,巴恩斯從火車上掉了下來,被認為已經死了。

● Jones, who had been sneaking along the top of the train, reaches Zola, and captures him.

● 一直在火車頂部潛行的瓊斯抓住了佐拉。

● Barnes lands at the bottom of the valley, surviving due to Zola’s experiments. He is later found by the Soviet Armed Forces and is imprisoned until 1950.

● 巴恩斯墬落在山谷底部,由於佐拉的實驗而倖存下來。他後來被蘇聯武裝部隊發現並被監禁至 1950 年。


● Arnim Zola is interrogated in London by Chester Phillips.

● 阿尼姆·佐拉在倫敦被切斯特·菲利普斯審訊。


● Red Skull promises to his HYDRA army that his plan to launch the Valkyrie against the United States of America will end in victory.

● 紅骷髏向他的九頭蛇軍隊承諾,他發射女武神對抗美利堅合眾國的計劃將以勝利告終。

● Rogers, mourning the death of Bucky Barnes in the ruins of Whip & Fiddle, vows to defeat HYDRA and Red Skull.

● 羅傑斯在 Whip & Fiddle 的廢墟中哀悼巴奇·巴恩斯的死,發誓要擊敗九頭蛇和紅骷髏。


● 史蒂夫率領咆哮突擊隊前往九頭蛇與紅骷髏戰鬥,紅骷髏撤退,史蒂夫也追了上去,兩人在女武神上進行決戰,紅骷髏抓住了宇宙魔方,被傳送至靈魂寶石之處。

● 史蒂夫為了阻止自動駕駛至紐約市中心的女武神上的炸彈爆炸會傷及無辜,於是選擇自行駕駛飛機遠離人群,最終與女武神一同墜入北冰洋,被凍結將近七十年。





● Arnim Zola and some former HYDRA agents track down Bucky Barnes, who survived the drop and was taken into custody by Soviet Armed Forces. Since that moment, they had kept Barnes frozen and alive, but missing an arm. Once he was found by Zola and his agents, they take him into their custody.

● 阿尼姆·佐拉和一些前九頭蛇特工追踪巴奇·巴恩斯,巴奇·巴恩斯在墜落中倖存下來並被蘇聯武裝部隊拘留。從那一刻起,他們一直讓巴恩斯保持冰凍狀態,但缺少一條手臂。一旦他被左拉和他的代理人找到,他們就會將他拘留。

● While S.H.I.E.L.D. is founded, Zola begins rebuilding HYDRA from within the agency.

● 神盾局成立後,佐拉開始從機構內部重建九頭蛇。

● Bucky Barnes’ memory is wiped and he is given a metal prosthetic arm. Barnes is kept cryogenically frozen and becomes a HYDRA assassin known as the Winter Soldier.

● 巴奇巴恩斯的記憶被抹去,他得到了一個金屬假肢。巴恩斯被低溫冷凍並成為一名被稱為冬日戰士的九頭蛇刺客。




to the Future……

































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